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Code of Ethics


                                                                              Windward Key Homes Corporation                                                                       



This mission of the Windward Key Homes Corporation (herein referred to as the Association) is to preserve and enhance the Association homes and common area property to reflect the qualities of the development.



To accomplish its mission it is essential that the Association provide effective management and enforcement of the governing documents, which will:

  • Maintain sound fiscal management of the association’s assets,

  • Ensure neighborhood safety and security,

  • Support initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community, increase home value and the health of the Chesapeake Bay.


Code of Ethics

Given its mission, the Association has adopted a code of ethics to guide the Board of Directors and committee members in their conduct when acting on behalf of the Association. The Code contains broad principles for managing the Windward Key Homeowner’s Association. It provides a basic framework that will ensure management decisions are consistent, fair, and transparent throughout the Windward Key Community. This Code is an effort to maintain an organization that gives ethical conduct the highest priority and will be reviewed periodically.


Board of Directors and Committee Members should:

  • By listening to our owners through surveys, electronic media, and regular scheduled meetings make all reasonable efforts to address the owner’s needs and concerns while staying within the scope of our mission and serving the best interests of the association as a whole.

  • Using the above communications with the owners make decisions based upon community interests rather than personal interests.

  • Use sound judgement to make the best possible business decisions for the association, taking into consideration all available information, circumstances and resources.

  • Act within the boundaries of their authority as defined by law and the governing documents of the association.

  • Provide opportunities for residents to comment on decisions facing the association.

  • Perform their duties without bias for or against any individual or group of owners or non-owner residents.

  • Disclose personal or professional relationships with any company or individual who has or is seeking to have a business relationship with the association.

  • For Board of Directors: Conduct open, fair and well-publicized elections.


Board of Directors and Committee Members should not:

  • Advocate or support any action or activity that violates a law or regulatory requirement.

  • Reveal confidential information provided by contractors or share information with those bidding for association contracts unless specifically authorized by the board.

  • Make unauthorized promises to a contractor or bidder.

  • Use their positions or decision-making authority for personal gain or to seek advantage over another owner or non-owner resident.

  • Spend unauthorized association funds for their own personal use or benefit.

  • Misrepresent the facts in any issue involving association business.

  • Make personal attacks on colleagues, staff or residents.

  • Harass, threaten or attempt through any means to control or instill fear in any board member, committee member, owner, resident, employee or contractor.

  • Closed Board of Director and committee meetings may only be held in accordance with the Maryland Homeowners Association Act (MHAA) §11B-111, (4), page 19. Discussion, decisions and comments made during a properly held closed meeting or executive session will not be revealed to any owner, resident or other third party. The meeting will be recorded according to MHAA, §11B-111, (5).

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