Windward Key Homeowners Association

Living Here

There are many advantages for moving into a development such as Windward Key. Rather than go to the expense of purchasing a single unit beach front home, with a swimming pool, tennis court, and marina you can buy a townhouse and share the cost of the amenities with your friends and neighbors. At Windward Key there is a natural attachment between neighbors who are there to help in times of need and to share in the good-times. It is a community of diverse, like-minded people, who enjoy the water, brilliant sun rises, and have a strong sense of community spirit while sharing the common area amenities. How we maintain the common area and the aesthetic appearance of each home reflects upon the value of the community as a whole.
Windward Key was designed and orgionally built by Kettler Brothers, Inc, one of metropolitan Washington's leading community developers. Windward Key combines authentic New England seaport overtones with contemporary livability. Residents of Windward Key appreciate the unduplicated beauty and splinder of the Chesapeake Bay, which literally forms the community's "front yard."
Each home is supported by twelve pilings, six along the load bearing walls on each side of the home. Some of the pilings go down as far as 70 feet. There are three syles of home in Windward Key which range from 2700 to 3000 square feet on four levels: bottom level which consists of the garage, utility room, and small room; the main or second level with the kitchen and living room; the third level with master bedroom with two more bedrooms, with two bathrooms; and a loft which includes a bathroom. Each level has a deck where you can enjoy the surrounding scenery and talk with neighbors as they walk by.

When it comes to real estate most say location, location, location is everything. Windward Key is certainly no exception. The adjoining photo is an aerial photograph of the community and is on the Chesapeake Bay just south east of the route 260 and route 261 intersection with Fishing Creek running along it southern border. The Chesapeake Beach Resort and Spa complex with a Marina is just across the creek.
While located in a peaceful and "low key" community, Windward Key is within communiting distance from Washington DC, Baltimore, and Annapolis.
Windward Key has many additional amenities including a marina, swimming pool, tennis courts, a beach, and beautiful landscaping.
Click on the photos below to read or see more concerning these amenities.
Marina Swimming Pool Recreation Beach Landscaping